Star Wars Battlefront Wiki

Cloud City is a map featured in the Star Wars Battlefront Bespin DLC. It supports Walker Assault, Supremacy, and Sabotage.

The map features many buildings, similar to what an actual city would be like. It also features a depot area for dropping off and picking up belongings. All of the buildings are white and have similar doors and lights. At one point of the map shows an AT-AT still being in construction. The setting is also in the middle of the afternoon, bringing a lot of light, while the gas planet makes the setting look very late or early dawn.

If Walker Assault is played on this map, there will be only 1 AT-AT present because of the massive amount of buildings, very similar in terms to Endor, because of the thick canopy trees. Beware however, as although there's only 1 walker, it has a MASSIVE amount of health, making it difficult to take down, even with a large amount of Y-Wings.

If played on Supremacy, several buildings will function as control points, making a defense for your control points a lot easier, while also making it difficult to secure an enemy control point. Only the last control point is when the game is set outside.

If played on Sabotage, the generators will all be in a separate building across a horizontal line. Once all 3 are destroyed, the extraction point is set at the depot.
