Star Wars Battlefront Wiki

The Droid Specialist is the specialist class of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and Trade Federation in Star Wars Battlefront II.

They serve as snipers in the CIS and they fight against the Galactic Republic. They are a variant of the parent product the Security Battle Droid and are used to defense and detection working mostly in squads. Several of these droids were used to attack Theed and were carried by MTTs.


  • They carry the E-5s Sniper Rifle as their default primary weapon, but they can also use the A280-CFE Sniper Rifle.
  • Their default skin is that of a B1 battle droid without a back pack that has a red marking on it's chest, arms and back of the head.


  • They have the same model as the Security Battle Droid, but they are a different troop of the Separatists.
  • They are similar to the Assassin Droid in the original Battlefront game.
Battle droids and security droids prepare for battle

Droids being deployed by the Multi Troop Transport. Including the Droid Specialist.
