Star Wars Battlefront Wiki
This article covers the reboot version of this subject.   This article covers the Original version of this subject.  

E-11 Blaster Rifle
E-11 Full
Basic Info

Blaster Rifle


Galactic Empire

Weapon Details
  • 275 (BFI)
 *250 (BFII)
Rate of Fire:

0.5 seconds per shot



The E-11 BlasTech blaster rifle is a automatic blaster rifle commonly equipped to the Imperial soldiers. They have been manufactured since the end of the Clone Wars, and they are designed from the DC-15 Carbine (a carbine version of the DC-15A Blaster Rifle), and they are the successor to the Galactic Republic's DC-15 Blaster Rifle. The weapon is an automatic blaster rifle, shooting several bolts in quick succession. It is the most powerful of the mainstream soldiers' blasters, but also the most inaccurate at long range. This is one of the only four weapons from the original battlefront games to return in the DICE reboot.


This rifle is not as hard in use as the DC-15-A, but don't be misled-at close range it is the most powerful rifle for the regular soldiers. It combines great firepower and decent fire rate but is also fairly inaccurate if fired in longer bursts, so hold your fire steady if you try to kill someone from a long range or switch to your pistol (which is more usually accurate than this monster). Or use 3 round bursts.


