Star Wars Battlefront Wiki
Name: Dagobah: Swamp
Image: 718
Eras: Clone Wars

Galactic Civil War

Natives: None
Games: Star Wars: Battlefront II


Dagobah is a forgotten world in the Outer Rim which has swamps and dark areas. Travelers are known to get lost here quite easily. Dagobah is home to Yoda after the Clone Wars. The map features Yoda's hut, Luke's wrecked X-wing (GCW only), a crashed Republic Gunship (CW only) and the cave of evil where Luke battles with the Dark Spirit taking the form of Darth Vader. There is a tall tree you can climb which is perfect if you are the sniper class.

Involvement in the films[]

Dagobah is the marshy, undeveloped swamp planet that Luke Skywalker crashes down on in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. It is the last residence of the Jedi Master Yoda, and it is the place where Luke receives his formal Jedi training.

Involvement in Battlefront[]

Dagobah has no involvement in the story mode, as Yoda was the only one hiding at the planet.

The Map[]

The terrain and plant life renders far distances invisible along with the aid of fog, making it hard to see opponents that may be very close to you before it is too late. There are many choke points where combat is unavoidable. AIs are rather unfair and have an advantage that they can see you, even through the thickest fog. Another hindrance of a human player is that some factions like the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Republic utilize camouflage armor, making them hard to spot. The map is highly bias to the faction with the starting command post on the top of the map. The map also has an eerie background with the sounds of Dagobah birds and beasts. A common and annoying glitch in mod-addition of the map included a lot of dark patches on the armor, weapon, and the environment.


Dagobah Swamp map

Dagobah Swamp


Combat Modes[]


Behind the Scenes[]

  • In the Galactic Civil War era, Luke's wrecked X-wing is part of the scenery. This is replaced with a Republic Gunship that is mostly destroyed when the map is played during the Clone Wars.
  • In the cave of evil, the breathing of the dark Spirit's imitation Darth Vader can be heard (however you can't see the Spirit). Interestingly, this is still true when playing during the Clone Wars, despite obvious canon problems caused by its presence.
  • Because of this it is believed that the playable Darth Vader might actually be the Dark Spirit instead of the actual Darth Vader because when Vader himself enters the cave the spirit's own breathing can't be heard.
  • General Grievous on the other hand can't possibly be the spirit because when he enters the dark side cave the spirit's breathing can still be heard.


Star Wars: Battlefront II
