Star Wars Battlefront Wiki

Agent Gideon Hask was part of Inferno Sqaud. An elite special forces dealing with rebels. He was exetremly loyal to the Galactic Empire. He was born on the planet Kuat were his mother and father died from a rebel attack. Thus, He has lots of hatred toward rebels. 

Note: This article is in need of a picture of Hask's younger self and a video if possbile. This article is still in works. 

Behind the scences

  • Gideon Hask was voiced by Paul Blackthorne. 


  • When Iden Versio and Del Meeko betrayed the Empire and left to the New Republic, Gideon Hask still remain loyal to the Empire. 
  • Gideon Hask possesed a E-11 Blaster Rifle.
  • During his time with the First Order, He carried a RK-3 Blaster Pistol.
  • Also during his time with the Forst Order, Hask recieved his own First Order Resurgent-Class Star Destroyer named Retribution.
  • He was also a former TIE Fighter pilot along with Iden Versio, and Del Meeko. 
  • He wore black Storm trooper armor with a black belt going across it. 
  • Gideon had a Imperial TIE Fighter. During the Battle of Jakku, He flew a TIE Interceptor. 
  • After Gideon returned Gleb to Admiral Garrick Versio, Versio promoted Hask to Commander something that he wanted for a long time. 
  • After the Battle of Jakku, With Hask defeated by Iden, he vowed revenge for Iden defeating him on Jakku. 

Galactic Civil War

  • Gideon Hask was present during the Battle of Endor, In which he witness the desruction of the second Death Star. 
  • Hask went with Iden Versio to Fondor to recieve the satellites for Operation: Cinder, A project that could mess up a planet's climate. They got the satellities just before New Republic fleet came out to destroy and board the Dauntless, a Imperial Star Destroyer underneath the command of Moff Raythe. Hask helped Iden by getting into TIE Fighters to deal with the attack. Halfway through the battle, He and Iden boarded a Rebel ship and destroyed the shields. They suceeded, which was a vitory for the Empire. 
  • Gideon Hask, Del Meeko, Iden Versio were order by Admiral Versio to be sent down to Vardos to recover Gleb after Admiral Versio used Operation: Cinder on his and Iden's home planet. They reach to complex were Gleb was waiting, Iden and Del had specific orders to not allow any people to escape, but the did the oppsite, thus having Iden and Del betraying the Empire. Gideon still remained loyal and contacted Admiral Versio of the betrayal. Admiral Versio instructed Gideon to still return Gleb to him, and he said he will deal with Iden and Meeko. 
  • After Gleb was returned to Admiral Versio, Versio gave Gideon Hask a promotion to Commander, something that Hask wanted for a long time. 
  • During the Imperial occupation of Bespin, Hask was hunted down by Iden and Del, believing that he was present on the planet, they found out he wasn't. Iden and Del then got out and took out three Imperial Star Destroyers. 
  • Hask was present during the Battle of Jakku, In which he flew a TIE Interceptor which was shot down by Iden. 
  • Hask was to beileve to have been dead, But it turns out he live having scars on him. He fled with the Imperials to whom were going to form the First Order. 
  • Hask then came out and was in charge of Project: Ressurection which involved the kidnapping of childern to expand the First Order. 
  • Hask then went to Athulla were Del was captured by Gleb. After being tortured by Kylo Ren, Hask then shot Del Meeko with a RK-3 Blaster Pistol. 
  • He then went to Vardos, and meet up with Iden who found Gleb shot by Hask. He then shot down the Corvus. He was killed by Iden, but Gideon also killed Iden after he shot her on her side. 