Star Wars Battlefront Wiki

The Laser Turret is the standard turret found in the game. In Battlefront I, it has relatively slow, low-medium power blasts, but in Battlefront II, the are quick, weak bursts of laser fire. They are well-suited for anti-infantry combat, and will do little to nothing to tanks and vehicles.

They are found in most maps, and sometimes Engineers (Or Pilots in Battlefront I) have to build them using a Fusion Cutter. The weak spot on Laser Turrets is where the head of the of the person in them should be, as you can kill that person in one shot and will not damage the turret, and since they are unmoving, headshots are easy.

Above Command Post 5 on Tattoine, use the Assassin Droid and snipe out clones in turrets. You can get easy kills and get the beam rifle

Laser Turret


