Star Wars Battlefront Wiki
This article covers information from DICE's Star Wars Battlefront series.   This article covers information from Pandemic Studio's Star Wars: Battlefront series.  

The Medical Droid is a Star Card featured in Star Wars Battlefront, it was added in the Death Star expansion pack. It is classified as an Asset Card.


The Medical Droid, unlike most droids in the game, heal the players during combat. They heal players 30% health every 3 seconds, as players enroll in combat. Players must be careful however, as the medical droid can be easily destroyed with one hit, depending on the weapon. Keeping it in a corner or out of range of enemies is recommended. It will also offer the same health boost the bacta bomb does, making the max health being 130. It also slightly lowers star card cooldown for players near it.


  • The Medical Droid is based on the FX-7 medical assistant droid seen in The Empire Strikes Back.
  • The Medical Droid is the third Star Card to heal the player.
  • The medical Droid is one of a few elements from the original games to return in the reboot.