Star Wars Battlefront Wiki

Mobile Sentry is a Star Card featured in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II, available to the Heavy class.


A lightweight version of Sentry with increased mobility at the cost of damage output. In this version, besides the explosive damage reduction, your health regeneration starts as you soon as you deploy into Sentry mode.

This Star card replace the default ability: Sentry


Upgrading this star card will reduce the recharge time for the mobile sentry.

Common: 25 seconds

Uncommon: 23 seconds

Rare: 21 seconds 

Epic: 18 seconds

Tips and Tricks

  • As this sentry gives you higher mobility plus health regeneration than the standard sentry you can be a lot more aggressive . 
  • Headshots with this weapon is vital as the damage is too low to kill enemies quickly with bodyshots.
  •  Best engagement for this weapon is medium distances due to low damage.
