Star Wars Battlefront Wiki

Ok Ill admit, Im gloating a bit on this Blog. Me and my Bro(Theta-192 on here,,,) Played a Galactic Conquest on Battlefront I, and I won every single battle! It was a grand day for the Confederacy Indeed. The best battle I think, was The Kashyyk Islands map, where I took down 17 clones and didnt lose a single life(I know thats not hugely impressive, but that battle was nuts, believe me!) I used my Assualt droid as a Artillery piece, backing up my forces with a barrage of Rocket fire. The worst battle? Yavin 4-The Temple area! Sure I won in the end, but Theta got ahold of my AAT and was chasing me all over the woods with it! Yikes! All in all though, I think it was my favorite Galactic Conquest-Sure, Theta nearly threw his PS-2 Controller at me, but somehow it was all worth it to see the CIS Victory Clip at the end(*Sighs*) So, anyway, What would you say your best(or worst, or both) Moments on Battlefront were(It can be from any B-Front title, by the way)
